we agreed but didn't do anything too soon.
Our four bedroom house has the space
but there is much stuff all over the place.
One room for mum and dad,
one room for computers and other doodad.
One room for the little women,
this would mean back to the beginnin'.
a place for him to cry, sleep and poo in.
The change did not seem hard,
some things would need to go the junk yard.
The girls went from two rooms to one,
they didn't care it was all about fun.
Their hoard of stuff sure had grown,
since the little girls came with one bag of their own.
all the belongings until everyone approved.
Now the bunk beds are back,
and giggling at nights I am tyring to attack.
But as for Tiny Human's new room,
his is a bomb, kind of a cloakroom.
Rubbish and dolls litter the floor,
and remnants of blue tack on the wall.
Perhaps this job is bigger than one day,
my body surely agrees anyway.
I did 8000 steps just fixing room one,
I don't know if I can do another one.
Next weekend I will make it happen,
yellow, grey and teal I will colour the room in.
Tiny Human will have his room,
Once we add furniture and a good broom.