Thursday, 28 March 2019

I can really relate...

I stumbled onto some memes related to pregnancy and then I couldn't stop. In case you were wondering how I was doing at 34 weeks pregnant with twins whilst caring for a toddler (as well as three other bigger children), here it is!

This morning I lifted Kingsley into a trolley at the shops and I feel like I sprained my belly. I officially cannot lift my 16kg two year old anymore.

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Just a message to every stranger who wants to ask me about my pregnancy: you may think twins is a "blessing" but whilst I am struggling to stay awake, am not 100% sure where my toddler is, haven't brushed my hair in a week and sprained my belly, I think twins is far from a "blessing". It feels more like a punishment for something I did in a past life.
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Yep, I did a Tara. I need to get over this need to be a story-topper and over achiever!
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My husband and older children know that picking things off the floor (including myself) is a tough feat, yet my floor still looks like a toy box, shoe collection and rubbish bin exploded.
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So one morning I discovered, as I looked at myself in the mirror whilst sitting on the bed, that I might like a human when standing. However, when I sit down and don't try to sit straight even a little bit, I look like a potato with arms. I laughed and told the kids, now they laugh about it at school. Looking amazing (for a potato)!
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Kingsley wanted to lie down on my side of the bed. No problem I thought, as lay down on Chris' side. Until it came to getting up, I have not learnt how to get out of bed on this side. This is a skill I may never master... HELP I'M STUCK!
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Kingsley has a little dry cough. When he is finished his three little baby coughs, he tells me he is okay to assure me he is not going to throw up like mummy does when she coughs. He also mimics the grunts and args I make when I am trying to get up and asks me "mum, K?"
13 Third Trimester Memes to Get You Through the Longest 12 Weeks of Your Life thrid trimester 3 228x200 jpg

Sleeping at night is so tough. Between the indigestion and the being uncomfortable and now feeling like I will develop bedsores if I stay in the same position for more than 10 minutes, sleep does not come easy. So then I spend all day like this little girl, unfortunately Kingsley does not agree that napping is a good use of his time.

I was really lucky in my pregnancy with Kingsley, that he had no intention of moving down and being anywhere near my bladder. These girls on the other hand have other ideas. I am sure there is a head permanently squishing the bladder. It is not uncommon for the family to hear "I need to go to the toilet... I think" or "I may have forgotten how to pee". Once at the shops I was seriously worried that I was going to pee my pants! Seriously, I thought this is me now, I pee my pants, that is who I am. Then I go the bathroom and nothing! Not one drop. Stupid babies living in my bladder!
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After being very sick in the first trimester (and a fair bit of the second), I was hoping it was all over when I finally stopped vomiting. My body thinks that would be too easy, why would I want it easy! There is so much baby in my belly that my stomach has not room for food. I want to eat and drink (oh how I want to drink three litres of fluid at one time) but when I do, a tiny foot, head or butt says no and pushes it back up. No warning, just eat and vomit right where I am. I have now done this beautifully twice when eating out with my husband. Vomit right into the plate. EW!
Image result for pregnancy meme i want to eat but no room

I think that might be enough negativity... now for look into the future. According to my research of meme's this is a glimpse of what is to come...

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Image result for twin pregnancy meme