We had a worry for a moment
That one baby did not grow yet
Then a fortnight later
It was clear there was no matter
Twin A was happily big
Growing like a mighty pig
Measurements had her more than average
Height was going to be her advantage
She sits on the 90th percentile
Like Kingsley she'll be a big child
Twin B parties on my left
Kicking and smooshing what is left
She is a little smaller
Her sister will be taller
But compared to the average bub
She's doing just fine in the hub
Twin B is on the 50th percentile
Not just for twin but any growth style
So it seems Kingsley was my mega baby
Remember he was 4.56kg easy
He was long and trim
And has stayed that way, slim
His baby sisters may be no different
I don't do tiny, small, insignificant
This is what we call pulling a "Tara"
It's not planned but not in error
It's always to the extreme
Overboard, tremendous, a dream
Why do ordinary when Tara does it extraordinary!
You have always been an extraordinary, creative and a standout and so will all your children